There are several ways you can show your support and help local music in your city or town, as well as any place that has a local music scene. Supporting local music isn’t expensive, a serious headache, or inconvenient. This list proves it, so no more excuses!
Educate Yourself About Your Local Music Scene
Can you name 5 bands in your area? Do you know where you can find the most up-to-date event calendar? Can you take a guess as to how many musical acts are actually in your local area?
If you answered ‘NO’ to any of these questions, you may want to consider doing a quick Google search for “YOUR CITY music (scene, calendar, events, live shows, etc.)” and learn about your local music publications, what bands are active in your city, and more.
Donate Whatever!
Everyday several people donate their time, money and efforts to support artist careers, including local booking agents, promoters, retail outlets, and of course, the fans. Why not join them? It doesn’t always have to be a time consuming effort. When attending a local show, offer to donate your time helping setup or tear down. When you like a band, contribute by purchasing their music. Volunteer your time at a local music festival or other event. Help poster the town by street teaming for your favorite band(s). The possibilities are endless!
Encourage Future Musicians
Studies show that children or even babies that are exposed to a variety of music at an early age do better in life. Music is a creative aspect of life, and every child should have the opportunity to experience it in one way or another. Who knows, the next big star could be attending a local school, or growing up under your own roof. Encourage your children to pick up an instrument or stretch their vocal cords.
Share The Wealth
Are you a local music fan already? Don’t hold it all to yourself! Tell your friends! Tell your family! Point out local artists that may sound like bands they are familiar with or a fan of, and encourage them to attend that band’s next event. They could become hooked too!
Attend Events Regularly
When we say regularly, we don’t expect you to go to a different show every night of the week. Not even a weekly show is necessary. We all are busy individuals, and even we can’t get to shows that regularly! But make a point of going to maybe 1-3 shows a month, just to break up your hectic schedule. You can even look for regular events planned by the city that involve local artists so the whole family can attend!
Support Artist Efforts
Being an artist is as much a career as being a lawyer, doctor, or manager. These are positions you might support on a regular basis just by going to work or shopping at your local Wal-Mart. You can show the same support for artists by attending their shows every now and then or purchasing an artist’s CD and merchandise. By doing so shows that you care about their efforts and are willing to help them along their way.
Support Local Music Industry Efforts
Even though artists make up a large portion of the local music scene, they aren’t doing it all by themselves. You can show your support by contributing what you can to local efforts made by the people who work behind the scenes. This includes local media, local recognition efforts and award shows, local distribution, local retail, local promotions and more.
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